approaching women onlineI often wonder what the best way to approach women online is. I’m a great conversationalist and have lots to offer. My problem is breaking the ice.  I see a girl that I like and want to get to know better, but don’t know how to get the conversation started.


Excellent question, and I’ve got an even better answer for you.

You’ve got a tremendous advantage online that most men fail to utilize. If there’s a woman that has caught your eye, study her profile. You’ll learn a lot about her and especially about her interests. Knowing what she’s interested in beforehand gives you an edge you usually don’t have. Take advantage of this and break the ice by pointing out a similar interest. If she’s into baking, why not mention the many awards you’ve won with your special cookie recipe. If she likes baseball, ask her about her favorite team. You get the point. Sharing interests is a great way of breaking the ice and starting up a conversation.

Although compliments go a long way, chances are, she’s tired of hearing “Hey babe, loved your pictures”. Be different and it can only help you. The first step is getting a member to check out your profile. This is often a great way of getting her to click her way to your page.

Don’t forget to update your profile and add that particular interest, otherwise, she may see right through you!