online dating frustrationI’m 24 years old and have been trying to find a casual partner online for almost a year now with no success. I’ve tried multiple sites and have had the same results everywhere. I’m not a bad looking guy and I used to do quite well offline when it came to picking up women at bars, nightclubs etc.. please help! Robert

Hey Robert! First, I’d like to assure you that you’re not alone. A lot of men struggle to meet women on the internet even though they were a regular Casanova offline. It would be really helpful if you can link me to one of your dating profiles. In the meantime, here are a few tips that will surely help your presence on a hookup site.

Keep in mind that competition on sex dating sites for men is fierce! It’s no secret that men outnumber women when it comes to hunting down casual sex online. It’s a much scarier experience when you’re a female meeting strangers online. This doesn’t however mean that there aren’t women trolling for casual hookups on the net. It just means that you have to really UP your game.

  • Pictures are going to be your #1 selling point. The more the better. I always recommend posting many pictures with friends and family. This will  aid you in building trust which is going to be a key factor in getting a woman to meet you in person.
  • Never ask a woman to meet you right away. We’ve become accustomed to getting everything we desire with  a click of a button and often come on too strong too fast. It’s a mistake that’s made by many especially when they’re new to the game.
  • Nudes are a no-no on your profile. Avoid posting any nude pictures or penis shots on your profile. Way too many men are making this mistake thinking it will help them when in reality it’s doing the exact opposite.
  • Choose a site and stick with it. Be active in the community.
  • Always play the number’s game. Contact many women to get a few responses. Don’t just PM the hottest girl on the site and wait for her to reply.

Hopefully, with a few small changes to your approach you’ll start having more success and you can enjoy the wonders online dating can provide.