“w4m personals” is a term used typically on classified ads sites like Craigslist or Backpage. It’s an abbreviation for “women for men”. They’re ads that are posted by women seeking men, simply put.
You may have tried replying to some of these ads and were most likely disappointed with the outcome. Unfortunately, nearly all of these ads are not legitimate. If you’ve been on Craigslist or Backpage, you’ve probably learned that nine out of ten (being really generous here) of these w4m personals ads are fakers, scammers, and pretenders. What about the 1 out of 10 which MIGHT be for real? The sad news is that your message is likely to get lost in a sea of replies, 300 or more in most cases. The competition is ultra fierce! It’s a waste of time at best and may end up costing you more than just time if you’re gullible enough to fall into one of the many traps waiting for you on sites like this. If you insist on replying to these ads, approach every message you get from the “women” with skepticism. Trying to meet women online using w4m personals is a free option but, unfortunately, it ends up costing some hundreds or even thousands of dollars when they get swept off their feet by some “gorgeous brunette”.
Free dating sites, classified ads, w4m personals, or any other free options come with 2 huge burdens.
- The men outnumber the women by an insane ratio making it nearly impossible for average guys to find someone.
- Anyone can sign up and pretend to be something they’re not, usually with an economic or sinister motive.
A refreshing hookup site that we’ve been having great results with lately is WellHello.
There are enough women to go around and the price is definitely right.