Eccie is an internet forum devoted to escorts and Johns. The point of this site is to bring these 2 groups together. It also allows Johns to rate and review the escorts in their town. However, we found several flaws in this system that should discourage anyone from using it in order to get laid. If you want to skip this article and go straight to the 1 site that will get you laid every time, I am leaving a link below.

There is no way you won’t find a sex date as soon as tonight if you apply yourself a little bit. All you need to do is thoroughly fill out your profile and I assure you there will be multiple women nearby that are interested in sleeping with you tonight. And no, they won’t ask you for any money. They’re more interested in what’s inside your pants, not your wallet. The sex is far superior in my opinion.

Our Beef with Eccie

The first issue with Eccie that is a deterrent is the fact that the Escorts listed on the site are not being moderated in any way. It’s not unheard of to walk into a sting on sites like this or any other type of “trap”. This alone should warrant prudence by any man that’s seeking company. The last thing you want to do is spend the night in a cell next to a man named Bubba when all you wanted was some female company.

Another issue that is fairly obvious is the presence of fake reviews. It does not take a genius to figure out that the majority of the reviews on Eccie are from the original poster. If anyone can leave a review without it being moderated, what’s the point of having reviews? In my opinion, it’s a huge downside that should be remedied.

Another issue with Eccie is the fact that the photos women are posting look nothing like the actual woman you’ll meet. A quick glance at the reviews and you’ll notice a lot of men complaining that the woman that showed up looked nothing like her pics. It’s not unheard of for women on Eccie to post pictures of themselves that are several years old. Even worse, some escorts on Eccie will post pictures of someone else. They’re hoping you’ll overlook this when the meeting actually takes place.

Escorts on Eccie Vs. Real Horny Locals

This is, of course, a matter of personal choice. I for one, have never paid a woman to sleep with me. I find it takes away from the experience. Knowing that the women lying in bed with me is simply there to collect her payment at the end just doesn’t do it for me. I want the person to want to be there as much as I do. Having a horny woman in your bed beats a prostitute any day. But that’s just my opinion. If it’s confidence you lack, there are ways around that. I assure you, women value you a lot more than you think. There are woman that are into all kinds of men. While looks may be important to some women, others don’t place as much importance on looks. They’re interested in other things. The site I mentioned above has 80 million members. I assure you, there will be at least a handful of women near you that are interested in sleeping with you for multiple reasons.

Another downside of using sites like Eccie is the possibility of contracting diseases. I don’t know about you, but I prefer to stay safe when I’m sleeping with a new partner. The women on Eccie are accustomed to sleeping with hundreds of men every month. I’m not judging them. They have the right to do what they want with their bodies and their lives. But I wouldn’t take the risk myself.

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